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Vatel Hotel lends its stoves to some of best Chefs in the Valais Region - Vatel

Vatel Hotel lends its stoves to some of best Chefs in the Valais Region

Vatel Hotel Martigny opened its kitchen to three great Chefs from Valais


Vatel Hotel Martigny opened its kitchen to three great Chefs from Valais. In fact, due to the coronavirus pandemic, all restaurants had to remain closed. As a gesture of solidarity, our Chef, Thierry Laurier decided to open his kitchen to distinguished Chefs from Valais.

We had the pleasure to host the Chef Damien Germanier (1 Michelin star and 17/20 at Gault & Millau), Chef Bert de Rycker (15/20 at Gault & Millau) as well as Chef Grégoire Antonin (16/20 at Gault & Millau).

This has been beneficial to everyone; since these renowned Chefs were just expecting with a lot of enthusiam to get back to their activities again. Chef Antonin confirmed this by explaining that after almost a year without a real activity, this event has allowed him "to keep up with all the kitchen automatisms” and that first of all, was good for the spirit.

For Vatel Hotel, it was a great opportunity to showcase its brand new renovated rooms and attract new local customers, not used to stay in hotels close.

Finally, the students were able to seize the unique opportunity to get inspired by these Haute Cuisine and to extend their knowledge, skills and perspectives.

In conslusion, our Managing Director, Mr. Yves Defalque said that this partnership between these chefs and Vatel Hotel was more than positive: a true win-win!

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Saturday, 21 September 2024
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